OOO «Epicentr К»
The storage facility for cleaning, drying and a long-term grain storage with capacity of 120.000 t is built in Vendichany, Mogilev – Podolski District, Vinnytsia Region, Ukraine.
The Client – OOO ЕPICENTR K.
The storage facility includes:
- Equipment for receiving of the incoming grain from the motor vehicles;
- Cleaners;
- Silos for the wet grain receiving;
- 2 grain-dryer with capacity 84.7 tons/hour of corn each;
- Silos for grain storage, with the total volume of 157 860 m³;
- Transport equipment with efficiency 200 t/h;
- Equipment for unloading grain on railway transport
- Grain temperature monitoring, ventilation systems, catwalks, sweep augers;
- Automatic system for grain storage plant control.
The project is being in industrial use.